"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - President Ronald Reagan
The Issues
Improving Education
I believe we can all agree, Delaware Public Schools are struggling. Despite great effort from well-trained educators, the Department of Education website’s Report Card states: proficiency in math is 31%; proficiency in reading is 41%. This means, 7 out of 10 are noncompetitive in math, and 6 out of every 10 are noncompetitive in reading. Moreover, the website reports Delaware public schools graduate 89% of students, and 85% are career or college ready. How is that possible?? Do the math. The unintended consequences of having a poorly rated school system will drive away businesses with employees who have school-age children, eliminating Delaware for consideration as a place to relocate. It is that important, and we must do better.
As many might recall, I have been teaching my Leadership is a Lifestyle program as a volunteer for 7 years. A stark realization discovered is how little students know about Personal Finance. Delaware completed a Financial Literacy task force in 2018 that established curriculum standards, but did little to implement the recommendations. Since so many years have passed, and our proficiency standards as reported by the Department of education remain low, I decided this was a critical need in our schools and introduced HB 203: “The Equity and Inclusion in Financial Literacy for all High School Students in Delaware with great bipartisan support. However, the Bill was not brought before the full House because the 19 School Superintendents were/are against the Bill. As a compromise, the Speaker funded a study by the University of Delaware Institute for Public Administration (UD IPA) in conjunction with the UD CEEE (Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship). I am the PRIME SPONSOR for HR 31 to fund the Financial Literacy Study. Additionally, I will be reintroducing HB 203 in the next session.
We are in a global economy, and based on our results, we are not competitive locally, regionally, or nationally. Based on the above statistics it will not be long before Delaware’s economy falters because we cannot produce competitive minds that will be change agents for our future. Perhaps we are already there as in 2023 the economy in Delaware "grew" at a –1.2%, the worst in the nation. With the above information, how can we deny this critical education to our students that will enable them to meet their potential.

The FY 2025 Budget is $6.129 Billion, growing 9% over 2024. The FY 2017 Budget was $4.084 Billion. Calculated, that is a 50.24% growth rate in just 7 years! Nearly 36% of our budget is for education that ranks near the bottom when compared to every other state. Nearly 40% of our budget is for healthcare. Last year, health care spending in Delaware increased $200 Million...in 1 year.
In 2023, Delaware had the weakest economy in the nation. 50th. Not only was Delaware dead last, but we also had the ONLY NEGATIVE GDP GROWTH IN THE NATION AT – 1.2%

Public Safety
The primary role of government is to protect the citizens. Locally this means to provide the best in police protection, fire service, medical care, and emergency medical care. How are we doing?
Our Delaware State Police work valiantly to serve and protect the citizens despite being drastically understaffed. Currently, we are undermanned 51 officers. Despite that, the mission of the DSP is being accomplished seamlessly. Returning to quota and beyond must be public safety a goal for all.
Our local fire service is 100% VOLUNTEER. As such, our volunteer firefighters save the Delaware taxpayers over $250 Million/year! This year, I co-sponsored HB 127 that enables county government to line-item fund fire service if necessary. As our firefighters age, and replacement volunteers are becoming rarer, we must look to the future to design a viable fire service. Work is ongoing within each fire department to devise innovative ways to incentivize and attract new volunteers to the fire service. I will work hand in hand to bring the best result.
Prime Co-Sponsor for HB 127. HB 127 enables our counties to establish a line-item tax to help fund the Fire Service. HB 127 awaits the Governor’s signature.
I wrote and am the Prime Sponsor of HB 329. The “Move Over” law protects fire police, fire fighter, police, EMS. Utility workers, tow truck drivers, and stranded motorists. HB 329 currently awaits the Governor’s signature.

Small Business Support
As a former small business owner, I understand the benefits and heartaches of owning and operating a small business. Staffing issues, employee health care coverage, to rising wages with inflation and maintaining competitive pricing, are reasons why all must understand the benefits of small businesses in Delaware, and why small business must thrive.
CNBC’s 2024 America’s Top States for Business ranked Delaware as 34th, falling 16 places from last year, and year over year, Delaware’s GDP is the lowest in the nation at -1.72%. Clearly there is work to do!
Taxes: REDUCE THE GROSS RECEIPTS TAX: Delaware has a high tax burden on business. This is a sales tax on businesses. I am collaborating with other legislators to reduce the Gross Receipts Tax
REDUCE THE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX for in-state buyers and consider raising the Real Estate Transfer Tax for out or state or second home buyers.

I am one of nearly 70,000 Veterans in Delaware, and as part of the largest group of constituents we have no voice at the Cabinet level. I was Co-Prime Sponsor for HB 399 to create a Cabinet level position for Veterans Affairs. While we have more work to do to get this passed, we will continue to collaborate with Veterans organizations to make the Cabinet Secretary position a reality.
Prime Sponsor of HB 272: the “Claim Shark” Bill. Passed unanimously in the House. I will continue to educate and advocate for this vital legislation by reintroducing HB 272 next session.
House Prime Sponsor for SB 329 that expands the pension exclusion to members of Space Force, NOAA, Commissioned Officers in the United States Public Health Service, and the National Guard. Awaiting the Governor’s signature.
House Prime Sponsor for SB 201 to increase the pension exclusion. Even though we supported this bill with numbers, facts, and reasons to increase the military retiree pension exclusion limit, the majority party thought it to be “too expensive.” And yet medical spending is near 40% of our budget and our poorly performing schools spend 36% of our budget. The Bill did not pass out of the Senate, but we will try again next year.
Organized “We the Veterans” day at Legislative Hall. I organized this event to bring over 125 Veterans to the Legislative Hall for camaraderie and to advocate for Veterans issues. With my team of Veterans, we hope to grow this event to have a larger impact for all Veterans.
Organized the 1st Statewide meeting of Veteran Service Officers to learn about their successes and challenges.

Manufactured Housing
District 4 has 62% of the manufactured homes in Delaware. We have the most of any District. I worked closely with Stacey Shelton, Rick Clum, and PJ McGuire to pass meaningful legislation like SB 247. I co-sponsored SB 247 to make manufactured home neighborhoods safer from health and safety violations. SB 247 compels property landlords to address a health or safety concern within 10 days and provide a 150% surety bond, held until successful remedy of the problem. Work on HB 212 started last year, with modifications I suggested to the DMHOA team, make HB 212 stronger. HB 212 provides a rent increase rate capped at 3% for residents using their home as primary residence. This Bill also requires landowners to provide more information to residents concerning the lot rental assistance program and requires the Ombudsman to have two meetings/year to discuss the lot rental assistance program.
I will continue to work with the DMHOA team to provide fair and commonsense solutions to issues faced in manufactured home communities.

Government Accountability
The Delaware Labor Department has $390 Million in “unauditable” funds. A national consulting firm has been hired to attempt to provide answers and fix the mess. Despite Minority Caucus requests for a formal investigation with subpoena powers, no action has been taken; the request for action was ignored. Understanding this is a gross breach of public trust, no one was reassigned or fired. Stunning as in the private sector near immediate action would have been taken. Additionally, the original audit found $180,000 was embezzled. The suspect unfortunately died shortly after discovery at his own hands. Doesn’t it make you wonder what audits of other cabinet level departments will reveal?

Improved Medical Care
As I received over 1,000 emails against HB 350, as your Representative, I voted AGAINST HB 350 as it creates a hospital oversight board. Although the many amendments made HB 350 better, the idea the Governor and a Governor appointed oversight are deemed to be producing “too much profit” and then take that profit to distribute to others. Likely this will stifle innovation, restrict hiring, restrict compensation packages for employees, and thereby reduce access to care despite growing demand.
Authored HR 32: enabling Delaware Department of Human Resources to partner with a health care system and a technology company to improve health outcomes, decrease the impact metabolic syndrome has on our population; improve health span, potentially increase lifespan, and reduce costs. As the most recent DHSS Delaware Diabetes Report states we spent $1.1 BILLION on diabetic care alone in 2022. With no workable solutions to improve outcomes. The study is ongoing and will likely result in a pilot program. If we improve the health for 5% of the population, we may save up to $55 MILLION/year.
Since 2015, Sussex County has had a 90% increase in population aged 65 and older. To understand the impact of this, we are currently 100 primary care physicians and 5 cardiologists short of what we need for our population. The nursing shortage is worse, as well as shortage in Mid-Level providers like Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners. In New Castle County the average family practice physician has a patient load of 900. In Sussex County the average patient load for a primary care physician is 1900. I have joined in support of the initiative championed by SEDAC that resulted in HCR 160 and HB 432. Both recognize the need to reconfigure medical assets recognizing the growth in Sussex County. HCR 160 emphasizes the need to establish a medical school in Sussex County, HB 432 reconfigures the DIMER (Delaware Institute of Medical Education and Research) Board. I also support the current Residency programs that are helping to supply physician staffing, but the medical school will take this to a new level.